March 26 2020
1:00am Who would’ve imagined the whole world Would be stopping to slow down. What kind of luggage fee would that be? Fighting back the fear that has always been inside of me I think i hear the wolf crying at a new moon Isolation, solitude, pump up the que for our collective humanity To look up and see blue clean skies Waters running clear Birds frolicking in the air Smog disappears Life fighting to keep up a pace that was man made Human maids, human brokers, human touch, a hug a memory The extroverts now introverts And most prisoners thought they were free, is this really happening to me? Walls, oceans, continents matter not Ports o call and last call are all rethunk Hibernation at the start of spring is this a new novel thing? The clock ticks on while the apps of tik and tok hold virtual everything The laughter raw and generations connected Silent retreats are going on hiatus While living room ashrams are being born from within Who would’ve dreamt our ancestors knew so much As they walked their walk knew when to plant, sleep, Rest and knew Not about their 23 and me Yet, they are signalling us from way back then The echo’s just reached the canyon and bounced through the time space continuum They say, “Let the hurts of your heart be not for not Pick up the pieces slowly and be humbled by the simple delights Of holding a hand, kissing a cheek, wiping away a tear, smelling the morning air, Seeing the iris of your loved ones eyes, keeping it real and leaning into Your grief, let it hollow you out where the new roots can take hold. Your brokenness needed repair. Break free from the pattern and vow to the earth below your feet, witness to the mirrored one in front of you, to learn to live again and embrace the world as one again.” Repack your luggage for a new way of being. Fly free, speak up, plant those trees, loose that smog, dance til the wee hours of morning Make art, watch art, learn to appreciate the things you don’t understand, learn to speak a new language of possibility, face the dread in your head, curve your mouth to kindness, recall the distance it takes to win the race. Amy Mayne Robinson ⓒ
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